Thursday, November 23, 2017

More Firsts!

M started her first job last week and this week she came home alone!  in the dark! on a bus from it. Major. F continues to throw food and spill milk as a sport so he had his first time out (did not seem to care at all but did sit right back down when I yelled at him upon his trying to leave the time out). I will blog more on F and his leaps and bounds as he sings and plays and speaks more and more. Now off to clean up for our Thanksgiving feast. Happy turkey day. Hope you are all warm and loved.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Reminiscing about Thursday

It is actually amazing that I did not have a full break down last Thursday. This week continues to be a challenge. I just ended a morning search for my phone with the realization that it went through the washing machine. Cool. I do not know anyone's phone number. I am sure I will function just fine with no phone while I wait for this one to dry in rice and then magically power on (doubtful). Anyway, back to the most difficult day I have had in recent history... I was woken up by V at 3am because his nose was clogged. It took me about an hour to fall back asleep before I woke up at 5:30am to review for an anatomy quiz. The studying went so-so as there are always so many obstacles in getting seven people out the door in winter gear and moreover, formal wear for Thursdays. Anyway, the day was tough as we had a morning of service planned that involved going outdoors and it was raining. We canceled the park clean up and re-assigned those kids and of course, the sun then came out. While I had these kids roll hundreds of dollars in change (still not done counting those UNICEF coins), I had to run to the bank to get more rollers. They are really sick of me and my coins at Shittybank. My whole body is falling apart, a fact that was highlighted as I hobbled to the bank. Both of my knees are fucked up, something is wrong with my wrist etc etc. After school I ran to get our last farm share and dumped it in the car before attending a meeting in my classroom. There was a party at school and since I had to wait for V to finish basketball, I stopped by briefly in between studying. Everyone was wrapping up their day with some drinks and chatter while I was just beginning mine. At 4:55pm I checked my email, only to learn that the basketball class would begin at 5 instead of ending at 5pm- no way. I grabbed all four kids as V complained how unfair it was. Since I had the car, I grabbed random things (hand-m-edown bag, leftover bottles of cider) and threw them into the car. We stopped by 111St to pick F up and raced home. I had to make dinner, start piano and homework, and leave as early as possible to review for my quiz. I pulled into a parking spot near my house even though it was no good for the next day and dragged everyone/everything up the stairs. Surprise! I did not have the keys. It was cold. HEEEEELP. I saw a neighbor's lights on and texted her. She left her lights on for her dog but told me where she hid a spare set of keys. Lifesaver (F was over 30 minutes away on the train). Now warm, we looked like refugees with bags and bottles of milk and cider in the tiny vestibule of our building while F banged on our door yelling "¡abre!". He took some break to try to spill milk everywhere and to scream random letters while V and A were practicing their spelling words. I tried to have M quiz me and her look of bewilderment when I confirmed that the quiz was in a few hours only highlighted my lack of preparation and time left to rectify that. A lifetime later F arrived in a horrible mood. He too, had had a bad day at work and was now saddled with grumpy hungry kids. I prepared as much as I could and left. Quiz was okay though I forgot to include information I knew because I misunderstood the question. The class proceeds with a sheep brain dissection which was actually very cool and not so gross. Not too gross was compounded by the fact that there were no real cleaning materials in the lab (no paper towels, hand soap ran out etc) so that by the end I had formaldihyde in my nostrils and some sheep juice on me for sure. I survived. At 10pm I boarded the train home. Suffice it to say that it was the s-l-o-w-e-s-t trip up ever. The train went local and stopped several times with no explanation for extended periods of time in between stations. Would I rot on the subway? Why didn't I have water or food with me? I tried to practice mindfulness. We crawled to Harlem. The rest is a blur as I was so tired I think I just went to bed but I cannot be sure. I survived. The next morning I took F to day care for the first time because (big) F had a meeting. A bird shat all over him as we waited outside BT. I took it as a good omen rather than think it was a continuation of the shit from the day before. It was Friday. Life was good. Now if I only had a phone... and a new knee (or two)... and the answers to my stat homework... I'd be golden.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A & V dramatic play while I listen....

V- Do you want to pretend we are married?
A- Yes but we are divorced
V- Ok but we have kids so we talk.
A- Ok but we do not talk much because I have a lot of errands and he works at a business.
V- No, I am a basketball player.
V- She is being gay
Me- Do you know what that means?
V-That your country is in danger and you have to leave.
Me- Nope.
V-No wait, gay is saying that black people are better.

V- Honey, do you want to get in the car (presents her with large cardboard box for the car)? It's work time
A-I got my phone. First let me put my lipstick on.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Romance by V & A

V- Have you ever been kissed on the lips?
A- On her wedding day!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

First Grade Support

V: Are you going to be a nurse?
Me: Not yet.
V: I want you to be a nurse.
Me: Why?
V: Because you want to be one.