Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Holy shit am I terrified of them. M came screaming up (but did not wake up babies thankfully) that there were two mice by the fridge. FUUUUUCK. I sent the bravest person home (yes, it was J, a 4 year old but the tallest man available) to go peek and tell me what the mice were doing. Good news was that there was one mouse and another was a lint ball that the mouse kicked out from under the fridge. He was on his side and dying (I guess) but petrifying all the same. That breathing, the tail, why can't I just have roaches like the good old days? With coaching from tía D who I was on the phone with, I lowered a tupper ware onto him as I freaked the fuck out. J said the mouse looked like a teenager. M said "this is why I want to move to another country." I said "now we know who ate our cookies for Italia." J said it was probably his cousins. He is now in the bathroom musing: Mouses are creatures. They are made to be disgusting. You do not need to kill them.
Holy shit are they gross. I could not think of anything more repulsive now that we have not one, but two babies crawling on the floor. Ugh.


  1. j is so brave!
    holy shit, i am scared of them too. what is wrong with us? they are so little, and yet, so terrifying. gross gross gross. thank you tia d, j and u for mustering up the courage with that tupper!

  2. bravo j !!
    I would not have gone either. ugh ughh ugh

  3. FUUCKK! So glad J was there to check it out. So freakin' cute.

  4. I'm really scared of mice too! I can kill and dispose of cockroaches easily. I had a dead mouse in our apt once when richard was on a trip and had to beg a friend to ask her husband to come get rid of it. Beyond lame...

  5. not lame! i would do the same. i would pay someone. beg them!
