Friday, October 7, 2011

Too Many Ideas, Not Enough Time

I have about half a dozen posts I would like to write for this blog and the film one, but as it is, I barely have enough time to bathe, much less reflect. I am constantly rushing and stressing on and off. I look at my relationship with the damn breast pump as a symbol of my current schedule. I am always behind, hooking myself up to it. I hate but I need it. There is never enough milk or maybe there is but I do not have the patience or time to let it be pumped out. Last night's outing to my second torturous film at the NYFF was the cake, V screaming on and off ALL NIGHT LONG was the icing. What the hell is wrong with this baby, who turns into monster baby at night? While I do not want there to be something wrong with him, I hope there is a brewing ear infection or something to explain why he no longer sleeps at night. I have another movie tonight and I need to go walk at 5:45am at the latest in order to get the miles in before brunch before a 12:30pm festival screening... you can see why I am pressed for time. Some of it is my own doing and some of it inevitable. I am happy that Monday is a holiday!


  1. ok boquita.
    take a deep breath.

  2. La angustia de los 8 meses?
    No es que quiera insistir....pero podes dejar de dar la teta, they will be fine! y tu vida se va a simplificar bastante :)
