Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Best Letter I Have Gotten (Ever... I Think)

After much drama this morning and a lot of aggravation from M, I got this note from her hand delivered at pick up:

Handmade envelope:
To: My true love
From: your embarassed daughter

Dear mama,
I (heart) u 2 much!!
I am sorry x infinity for my behavior this morning!! I hope (and think) tomorrow will be better. I thank you for being so patient and so understanding and compared to my behavior you are a saint. I hope you will forgive me. It's just that once I get frustrated there's no stopping me. I know how many times I have apoligized and by now it's probably meaningless but, I encourage you to forgive me and the results will (probably) be wonderful. Thank you for going this far in reading my letter. M (ita)