A third grader wrote this about me when asked to write about an adult he admires, it summed me up an cracked me up as well:
I admire Ms. E my Spanish teacher. She is a good Spanish teacher because she speaks very good Spanish. Ms E is an intelligent person. She taught me how to say unfriendly in Spanish. She is nice, but strict. She has a strict voice. She lets me say the words of the month. She is a good mother because she is nice to M (his classmate). I like being in her Spanish class and I admire her as a teacher.
J's teacher shared the following with me at his conference today, he had to complete the prompts:
I am: good to others, healthy, myself
I can: jump rope, defend others, help, love
I have: my ability, faith, love, souls
I love: sports, nature, my buddies, my family
i have ability and "souls"!!