Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Where to Begin?

Moving has been hard. Exciting. Exhausting. We still have about 20 random boxes and bags (but we started with like 85). My darling children never cease to amaze and insult me. Here are some good one liners. Please note that V has had a VERY hard time with the move. Everything makes him cry (he breaks down before every step- going to school, swim etc) and he recently asked L to take him back to his old house: To stay there foreva and eva eva :(

This am as we discussed the worst part of newborns I said something about nursing to which my darling J quipped: Your breasts are too old!

J under his breath as we practiced piano : I am not playing this shitty crap (lovely!)
When I asked him what he said he replied: Papi always says it!

M on her new room: No offense but I thought I would be lonely in my new room but I am not!

A on her backpack that should stay at school with extra clothes: I need it for when I am 5 (she is constantly planning her 5th party) and for when I go to college.

J when I told him abuelo was in México: I did not know he was the type of guy to go to México.

A when she recognized our "old" hood: Can we go back to our old house?
Me: We can but there is nothing in it.
A: We can move it all back!

When I asked V why he did not want to school as he cried hysterically (I was almost in tears) he said: It is too much fun!

A when I told her boys could wear what they want: They don't wear barbs!

J on adoption: If a kid moves out early from this house maybe we could adopt a baby or a big kid from Africa.
Which is more work? If we got a little one we could share food and he could sleep with me and I would have another little brother and papi could make him healthy with his Unicef stuff. If we do not get to do it then maybe I can do it when I am older....

There are more... to be continued.....


  1. j is right: I m not the kind of guy to go to mexico.
    orale cuate !!!

  2. where your next post be?! you are reaching my pace of posting...

  3. r u kidding ???
    20 days without posting ?

  4. sorry. overwhelmed. not sure when to post what.
