Monday, September 5, 2016

Welcome to September!

And we are off! Sad to write but I am back to work tomorrow. I have never been less enthusiastic but I am hoping that once I am there I will get back into the swing of things. We are on night three of "ferberizing" little F and so far (knock on wood) so good. The first night we had to take V out of the room because he was crying more loudly than his brother. He could not stand that we weren't "helping him" and I felt his pain. F was on duty all night and had to go into the room for two one hour stretches. Last night little F cried for 15 minutes at bedtime and then BAM slept 10 hours straight. We shall see what tonight brings. With all of the anxiety about going back to work I doubt I will sleep much anyway. It is amazing that a few nights ago I was nursing him for hours and hours at night and had him in my bed and he is already adapting to being independent. Little F!! Someone should pay me to spend so much time with him.