Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May Musings

A- We should get a cleaner for F's poops.

A, describing her imaginary game- a store then a classroom then- It's an adoptage pre-k. They say sleep here and yeah.

V- We are learning about the human body in science. We get to use potty words. Do you know that pee comes out of your anus?

When I tried to explain some of the pros and cons of communism versus capitalism I said: In Cuba, everyone knows how to read. V: Wait, Cuban babies can read?
Me: No, not babies.
V: You said everyone!

J looking at an ad in the subway- What are tampoons?

A when I asked her if she put GUM on the piano- I pacifically told M not to tell you about that.

J when I scolded them about something- When you choose to have five kids, that's how it goes!

V at bedtime to me- I love you more than anything rises.
Me- Rises?
V- More than the moon rises.

A on overpriced flowers on Mother's Day-- I know they they charge so much for the flowers, so they can buy stuff for their moms.

V- Do you know we are apes?

A wearing a brain cap she made in science- We all look Jewish!