A- I think he (mini F) killed me with his cuteness.
V on A stealing his coins- She took my life savings!
M on baby F watching J and V wrestle from his high chair- Dinner and a show!
V? F would be cuter if his cheeks were fatter.
V trying to juggle- I am trying to juNgle!
V on his camouflage print spinner- I love camel!
M speaking about if her parents got separated- You would have no luck finding a boyfriend with five kids mamá, sorry.
A on the solar eclipse- This is not even fun. We are just staring at the sky!
Me to V- Can you take a break from misbehaving?
V- I'll take a break from listening to you.
J in Cuba- I am glad to not be under the power of Trump.
V at the airport- We are the only crazy family.
J to the dog handler at JFK sniffing our bags- Is it for drugs?
J on F in a picture as a teenager- Papi was really awesome when he was younger.He looked magnificent. He had a whole six pack and I could see it because he didn't have a lot of hair there.
V looking at his armpits- I already grew one pit hair!
V on theft- Do scaNders beep when you steal something?
V- When I am a teenager and I get to college, the first thing I am going to do is buy a pepsi.
A, referring to an iron- The thing that makes clothes flat. That abuela S has.
delightful. these made my day