Wednesday, February 7, 2018

F is Talkin'

Every day brings new words in any language. Here are some of my favorites...

From his rear facing carseat when we are in traffic: Vai! Ma dai! Vai!

Yesterday as his father tried to nap mid-afternoon as he tugged on him: Siéntate!

I now make him walk up and down the building steps (he crawls up the apartment ones) and he counts: uno, dos, tres, cuatro

F also has an incredible parroting ability so he accurately said: gnocchi and funghi yesterday when I asked him (after telling him) what he was eating.

He also likes to shout "mío!" about whatever he is eating.

A came up with a good name for my anatomy flashcards: Flesh cards:)


  1. wanna see you all soon!! I don't wanna miss this stage!!

    also... punny, A

  2. flesh cards sounds like something at an adult store..
