Sunday, July 31, 2011


This vacation has been a collection of firsts for the babies. They had their first real sea immersion today. C and I stripped them down and lathed them up with sunscreen and into the Mediterranean sea they went. V loved and it and A was more apprehensive, grabbing onto C's neck every time she lowered her in. Even without teeth the babies have had their first bread and first cookies and brioches, both seem quite capable of sucking the essence out of a carbohydrate. Being on the beach, not even on the beach, in a town near a beach, is a lot more work than it sounds like. Aren't I a brat? I do not mean to be a spoiled brat, but the loading and unloading of babies into car-seats, the napping and eating is quite labor intensive. Impossible without C's help. Thank goodness for her presence. AleVit will never remember this trip, but they will haves pictures and MoJo to verify, that they did indeed vacation in Sicilia as al oats six month olds, and that their mother was indeed one crazy mammma.