Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Off to a (cool) Bed!

moved the ac up here for the night. hoping we will all sleep better. had two prank calls in the middle of last night to add to the excitement. Camp was beyond hard today with lots of challenges including a camper going to the ER as a result of an injury that happened while I was in a meeting. Ouch. Responsibility is tough. Lovely smooth evening now that I have taken on tío D as my helper for now. He is great with kids and babies and I am lucky to have him. When I apologized to MoJo for losing my shit last night while AleVit went bonkers, J asked "Did you try chupete (I nodded)? Teta (pointing to his nipples)- Again affirmative. What about the dinosaur (their favorite toy). No, I admitted I had not. "Next time try that" he said very matter of factly. Later in the day at camp he said "remember the toy next time." Love that midget!