Sunday, July 31, 2011

Violence Anyone?

I know kids have played with guns for ages, that violence is pasty of being a little boy, but what the fuck? My son is into action figures and recently got a Captain America with lots of weapons that speaks (gotta love toys that make fucking noise). I says all sorts of annoying patriotic and threatening things,that along with its huge weapons, make for one fucked up toy. What the he'll kind of message is this supposed to convey to a kid? Dd Marvel make it or the US Defense Dept? A few days ago we saw a gun filled with candy in the supermarket here in Sicily. J begged me to get it and I told him, for the 10000 time, that I would never buy him a gun (thank abuela for the Captain Asshole and his weapons). "please? I will not shoot anyone, I will just shoot the candy int my mouth." What a lovely idea. Wo is the asshole that invented this toy? Do they make plastic penises that shoot candy too? What is wrong with people? What is wrong with parents who buy this crap? I cannot imagine the meeting at which one of these dumb ass (and very successful, so what the fuck do I know?) ideas were pitched. "yeah, so it will be a salon, full of make up and toxic fumes, and we will market it to four to yen year olds for their birthday parties." I am in!


  1. mis viejos no querian comprarme juguetes belicos hasta que un dia volviendo de la plaza les dije: habia un chico que no me quiso prestar su revolver, que hijo de puta, queria matarlo.

  2. Captain America doesn't use a gun really, so it may be a fake (although in the very beginning of his inception they armed him with a gun). Still, he uses a shield that he throws. That's what he is famous for. Sorry about the guns though. I played with a few and turned out "okay" :P
