Saturday, August 3, 2013


A to me: Are you a grown up?

V: I pooped in my pants like a lady (upon checking his underwear he had skid makes- more lady like than a turd?)

V to me (thank you MoJo): You are stupid and you are not funny.

J to me: You are not nice. You only got me two toys here. You treat me like a piece of dirt.

M on her "boyfriend": We like each other but you know, more than regular like. (G-d help me)

A to me: Are those petetas (her version of tetas) for (baby) M and (tia) C?

M: Are you going to have another baby?
Me: I do not think so.
M: Why not?
Me: It is a lot of work.
M: WHat do you mean? You just haev to do the thing, be pregnant and have the baby.
Me: Well, there is breastfeeding,
M: You are an expert at that, not like C.

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