Sunday, December 15, 2013


V on the toilet: My poop is very crumbly and A's is a very good brown.

J to his home-schooled friend: You should go to my school. Do you know where I got my muscles? (pause) My school. Do you know where I got smart? (pause) My school!

M told me that V said "fuck." When I asked him what he said: I said M is a bad girl. My dad (who I was on the phone with said), pointed out:  He is naughty, not stupid, he is not going to repeat it.

J: I just cracked my wiener.
Me: I do not think you can crack that.
J: Well then, I got a cramp.

M on our project playground across the street: MLK playground? The name does not fit; there are always people cursing in there.

After I tried to explain what a saint is, J: So abuelo R can be a saint?

V: A(friend from school) has two houses.
A: Me too, I have one in Miami.
V: Me too, I have one in Philadelphia.

J to a subway poetry slam artist: You are cool!


  1. sorry to disappoint you little adorable J

  2. i told him you had to have a very sacrificed and unhappy life, perform miracles and not be jewish... so you do not qualify. sorry tito :)

  3. the saint thing made me cry.
    and yes, you have many homes. definitely in miami and philadelphia
