Monday, July 7, 2014

Back Banter

A to her friend: Shush, let's sing Frozen..
she then proceeds to make a serious face and begins to sing not one, but two different songs from the movie she has never seen! Too much.

V to L when she said they could call an ambulance for his booboo: Your nose is going to grow like Pinochio for telling mentiras!
L: Ay qué lindo.
V: I am not lindo. I am a bad boy!

V to A in hotel as she wailed: I cannot snuggle if you are screaming.

V: What kind of bones are in your penis?

M when I remarked that it was odd that nobody had commented on my purple highlights: I think they were trying to be polite.

V as we got off the elevator: Good job mamá, you did not leave me on there (I have before :()

J to abuela when she told him what (not) to do: You are not my husband!

Me to V at restaurant: I am nervous they are going to yell at you for standing on the seat.
V to Me: I am nervous they are not going to yell at me.

V to Me and F: Why you call each other "puch"?
Me: Why do I call you bubalón?
V: Because I love you!

A: I want to go to Philadelphia (aka tía C's)
Me: We are in Philly.
A: Not the hotel. Philadelphia.

V: Do you know how to drive?
Me: Yes.
V; Do you know how to park?
Me: Not really.
V: You can try. You can learn.

V: Do not stink my bathroom! Only kids can use it.

V in car to PA: Are we going to Remont?

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