Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Recent Lines...

V said sucker today and I told him that was not a nice word. In typical V fashion, he tried to backpedal and said: I did not say 'sucker'- I said 'fucker.' I told him that was not nice either and succeeded to do so with a straight face. This only got him more heated: FUCK HER I said. FUCK HER. NOT SUCKER. FUCKER! By then, I was cracking up and this only made him louder and more agitated.

M and J are into saying "epic" for anything remotely cool (or not). A has adapted this term, except that she says "effic." Lots of effic things going on.

When A wanted a third dessert I said, you ate enough. You do not want to do this (I puffed my cheeks). V added: Fat. Fat and boring.

J: I would die for any kid younger than me. I mean I have had more life than them.

A trying to convince M to let her sleep on her bed: Are you a cool girl M?
M: Yeah
A: Well cool girls sleep with little girls right? I am coming to your bed.

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