Friday, August 29, 2014


V called me an idiot (he is doing a spectacular job of copying MoJo's sweetest terms) and I demanded an apology. V: I was talking to the wall. I do not have to say sorry to the wall.

Tío G came over for 2 minutes to leave camping gear and I left with him to throw away the garbage. When I came back up, V: Where is G? The basement? Me: Yes. I left him there. V: That is not nice, he will not come back to visit if you do that.

V, when I told him to eat the crudité while I served dinner: This is not food, this is tomatoes! I need pasta on my plate to eat!

V to F: I have never been to Kindergarten school.
F: I know, because you are too little.
V: Fine, then I will not go to cooking school either
F: Why?
V: Because it is too far away!

At 3:45 am in the tent camping: How many more days until Halloween?
Then at 4am: Mamá, you are the best!

1 comment:

  1. v should go to cooking school. i am sure he would be great at it!
