Thursday, May 28, 2015

Apology Notes- Sincere or Messing with Us?

We got these last night after M got in trouble in after school for jumping on the tables in the library with a friend!

Dear Papi,
I am sorry for disgracing this family by outrageously climbing on my school's tables. I realize that there will be consequences and I completely understand and respect that. I will do my best to take action and fix my mistakes.
Sincerely, M.
PS Consequences: punishments if your choice and having to earn back trust for being alone in a room.
taking action by: writing a sincere letter to afterschool counselors and trying to earn back my reputation with good beahvior.

Dear Mama,
I am sorry this has to be in written form. I am sorry to admit that I had the outrageous thought as to climb on our school library's tables and chairs. I realize that I am disgracing you and am very sorry about that.I will try to control myself. I completely understand and respect whatever punishment you and papi choose.
Sincerely, M.


  1. absolutely sincere.
    but she's also extremely smart

  2. i think sincere too. obviously smart and mature!
