Sunday, May 3, 2015

Catchin' Up on Chatter

J and I were talking about body hair and how he wants to remove it when he is older. I mentioned that his (tío) G had a hairy back.
J: Is that why he is not married?
Me: I don't think so. Most people like hair on a man.
J: I think he is not married because he is not that enthusiastic about people.

V during the school musical, Bye Bye Birdie: Are those people or puppets?

J: When M has boobs are we not going to take a shower together anymore?
Me: Probably not.

V: Do not leave me upstairs. I am allergic to being alone.

J: Nobody is symmetrical. Except Mary.

M: I am scared and excited for camp. I am skited!

J: The world would be better if we did not exist!

L asked V and A to behave for some outing. She told them to leave "silly" at home. When they were out and about V was being wild.
L: Didn't we leave silly at home?
V: Yes, but he has a brother.