V trying to soothe F: Okay, whatever, I quit!
A, scooting by me: Hey mama, yo sexy!
A on more than one occasion: This is the cutest baby on earth! F and.... what's my baby's cousin's name again?
V to me: Listen punk!
V: It doesn't hurt to die, it's peaceful. Before I get to one hundred and a half I am going to kill myself.
V: Is death a power? When I'm a hundred I am going to shoot myself.
J looking at an obese kid: I don't want to be mean, but is that kid going to have a heart attack?
V: This noni smells like money.
V: Is g-d dead?
J: What is anus?
Me: Your butt hole.
J: What's an anus crime?
Me: Heinous crime?
J: Yeah.
V: Can Santa get arrested?
v, in the jewish tradition it should be 120 !!
don't worry a, most of the family forgets your baby cousin's name. you are not alone