Saturday, July 2, 2016


V trying to soothe F: Okay, whatever, I quit!

A, scooting by me: Hey mama, yo sexy!

A on more than one occasion: This is the cutest baby on earth! F and.... what's my baby's cousin's name again?

V to me: Listen punk!

V: It doesn't hurt to die, it's peaceful. Before I get to one hundred and a half I am going to kill myself.

V: Is death a power? When I'm a hundred I am going to shoot myself.

J looking at an obese kid: I don't want to be mean, but is that kid going to have a heart attack?

V: This noni smells like money.

V: Is g-d dead?

J: What is anus?
Me: Your butt hole.
J: What's an anus crime?
Me: Heinous crime?
J: Yeah.

V: Can Santa get arrested?


  1. v, in the jewish tradition it should be 120 !!


  2. don't worry a, most of the family forgets your baby cousin's name. you are not alone
