Tuesday, October 4, 2016

These Kids

V while practicing piano: What is the "o" with the hashtag?

V on the monkey bars at school: Oh shit! (this led to his teacher giving him a time out while trying not to laugh)

A excited about a new hand me down: This is a Jewish coat.
Me: Do you mean British?
A: No, Jewish.

V to F: You and me are kids. And brothers. Best brothers.

M getting ice cream: Sprinkles are overrated.

A trying to bust into M's room: We are sisters. I can still see your privates. I don't care!

V to L: F ate this weekend. Don't get too excited.


  1. m is right, sprinkles are way overrated !!

  2. best brothers! v is such a good big bro

  3. i was about to comment the exact same thing as rolando!! I'm on team sprinkles are overrated

  4. come on momma !! 20 days without posts?
    this has to stop
