Wednesday, October 25, 2017

New Lines

F to a teacher who told him only grown ups open doors: click

V, raising his hand at the fire museum when his teacher said "none of you are going to smoke when you grow up": I am going to smoke cigars and cigarettes and vape!

V: Is abuelo R a criminal?
Me: No, who told you that?
V: He did!

Discussing future jobs with V he told me he wanted to be wrestler. I said that was a dumb job. He retorted: Why don't you be a mime?
Me:  A mime?
V: Yeah, so you cannot speak!

V to M: When do you run across the country?
M: Never.
V: Why is it cross country?

V: Is it possible to be invincible?

V: Are you being sarcasm?

V: A, you are too young to listen to Hamilton!
A: You were listening yesterday.
V: Yeah, I am older.

V: I'm having a hypothesis! (I think he meant epiphany?)