Saturday, December 16, 2017

¡Ya está!

F woke up and stated this several times. Too bad it was 6am as he usually sleeps until later. Regardless, he is able to express himself more and more each day. He was done sleeping so he told me "ya está." When we got to BT yesterday morning he yelled "Yay, BT" with arms in the air- A huge difference from a few months earlier when dropping him off at BT was tragic.

He sings the whole way to BT or to his friend's house every morning. He is like a DJ caught in a loop. We alternate between "cucú" and "ee-i-ee-io". When we sing the latter, his repertoire is impressive. He can make the sounds for vaca, caballo, chancho, burro, oveja, gato, pollito, perro and pato.

F plays like a madman with V- running around yelling "attack" and wrestling but he also spends lots of time cooking in his play kitchen and leafing through books.

I wish I had been more regular in chronicling his development or that I filmed him more so remember this golden era. I will try to do more. In the meantime, he is a happy and easy toddler. We cannot imagine what our lives were like before him. We are Fefe fans!

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