Thursday, August 4, 2011

And Then The Floor Opened Up

As we were getting redy for dinner. F and I were in the hallway and there was a rumblimg... a crackling... And tiles are buckling upwards. Weird stuff. I thought it was an earthquake. F thought the house was collapsing... We evacuated. Cut to the next scene. C and I on the sidewalk barefoot. Each with a baby. One is naked. J is barefoot and shirtless. M is with shirt and naked on the bottom (not sure why she was doing her workbook half nude). I grabbed a towel with one of the babies so she put that on as a skirt. We looked weird and more out of place than usual. I am sure the two babies added a surreal touch. We wondered if F would join us or just crash down with the building. Cut to next scene... A muratore, wall guy? Comes over to tell us that it happens in sicily, it's the heat. Oh, of course. Ps we have a great pic of what the floor looks like now but I am unable to add from here. Email me a personal request for the image or wait until we get back to a regular computer.


  1. omg !!
    what a scare.
    and m con el culito al aire !!!

    es la casa de la familia ? un hotel ?

  2. sis c says that we should look for the picture here !!
