Friday, August 26, 2011

Earthquakes, and Hurricanes, and Kids, Oh My!

First the tremor, then the four kids, wait those came first. I do not want anyone to get hurt or anything but Hurricane Irene is a pain in my ever expanding ass. Did I mention that I had half a sleeve of chocolinas and two waffles with Nutella and dulce de leche (not at the same time,I am an equal opportunity fatty so I alternated)for dinner? I really hope Irene comes and goes just like a big, overhyped storm. Stores will have cashed in on the hysteria, the media will have had their fun, and we van all go on with our weekend. I am down one kid as M is in the country, but if I am trapped with three kids and no electricity for more than two hours... Okay I am a spoiled brat. Of course I can survive without tv, phone, computer, or even worse, no cold food, but I rather not. Here's to an uneventful weekend and a ban on highly caloric spreads.


  1. ever expanding ass !!! lol

    irene go away and come some other day ( to another place)
    stay safe.
    where in the country is m ?
    and, more important, where in the world is carmen san diego ?
