Thursday, January 26, 2012


Raced to Rector St to close on the refinancing of the mortgage. Signed/initialed no fewer than 100 documents without reading a single one. Raced back up to school and arrived a few minutes late to Math Night, where I ran a Bingo table (en espaƱol) for an hour. Fought for cab with F and MoJo. Rain. Lots of people. Lots of buses but not a single M4. Got home. Babies asleep. MoJo behaves great. Order food. All kids in bed. Put laundry in. During spin the machine shook inordinately hard and long. Stopped the cycle and took out clothes extra wet. While I was up I hear F scream from downstairs. The stove was ticking so he turned the power off. When he went to adjust the burner knob, there was a little explosion. But wait, it gets better. The dryer does not work anymore all of a sudden. Yes, we have 1000 lbs of wet clothes. What is a baker without an oven and a laundress without a dryer? Seriously though, wtf?

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