Thursday, February 23, 2012

No No Please, You Vomit On ME Now, Please!

I was just going to post about the wonderful news, that both babies went to BT today and seem 100% Wouldn't that be boring though? We noticed that V was not that into dinner but he ate. We did our steam, double bath, antibiotics, bla bla bla and L went in to put them to sleep as I went to attack the 4 loads of laundry that need to be put away. She called me screaming as V had vomited EVERYWHERE. Think floor, crib slats, his sister, his pillow, the wall. You get the picture. We stripped them down and back into the bath they went. After lots of cleaning and some airing (but boy does it stink in there!) I got the crib ready for round two. Right before putting V in we noticed that his nose was bothering him and low and behold, he had vomit stuck in there. Don't gag. But it's like when you laugh and liquid comes out of  your nostrils. So I used the snot sucker to suck the vomit out of his nose. Now you can gag. Please sleep all night and do not vomit any more! Tomorrow V will  be home, rounding out the record. In the last two weeks (so 10 days of BT times two equals 20) we have been to BT 7 times. Woo hoo!