Tuesday, February 14, 2012


My quartet is sick, well three out of the four are. J has a horrible nagging cough that he does all night long, but that is the least of it. A went to the dr on Mon. No news. V went to daycare. A stayed home today, seemed a bit better, V went to daycare. V got sent home with a fever. And pink eye. In both eyes. A has it in one. A also had crap coming out of her ear, reminiscent of what J had a year back. I say burst ear drum. So for the third time in 8 days, A will be going to the doctor. I will cab it post my third grade class to meet L there. Might even bring J. I am very lucky to have this kind of flexibility in the day. V's face of suffering tonight, his hot, limp body asleep, naked right out of the bath, was just too sad. A also puts her head down on my shoulder when I hold her, a sure sign of her being unwell as she is never still. I cannot imagine what having really sick children is like. Just seeing them with this fever/horrible cold crap is heart wrenching. Please get better babies. Please say something useful doctors.