Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday Rainy Tuesday

Nothing like pushing a heavy stroller in the rain. Tricky part is getting to BT, having to take babies out and cover the stroller back up as I take off my raincoat and pick them both up (otherwise you got a dry baby going onto a wet adult). Sad part this am is that both of them fell asleep (has not happened in months in the stroller going to BT). I am guessing it was the monotony of the baby carwash with the cozy sealed in warmth. Needless to say they were both happy to pop out and get to work. I was exhausted by the time I bumped the stroller down, put my raincoat back on and walked 15 more blocks to work. Got the showers, where are the May (first!) flowers?

1 comment:

  1. may flowers coming soon to a park close to you.
    and I'll be there to see them with all of you !!
