Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Am In Love

with a very old lady, you may remember her from posts past. She has Alzheimer's among other things and she spends her days at the nursing home where I take my students every Thursday morning. She has a potty mouth, piercing blue eyes, a sad smile and a frail body. I always find her in the hallway, with her coat on, at 10 am, waiting to leave (it is a full day program). When she gives me advice, I listen, and when she smiles at me, even though she has no idea who I am, my hear melts a little. I do not know why I love this little lady so much, but when I found her today, after fearing she might have died over the summer, I felt butterflies in my stomach. She will never know who I am, but she seems to like me every week when she meets me again, for the first time. Please don't die KL.