Sunday, April 28, 2013

Good Times

for real. Had a great last two weeks or so. Auction is over. Was not as lucrative as I hoped but it was fine. Work with filmmaker and subsequent writing and correspondence has been exciting. More on that later. Watching Central Park Five and it is outrageous- never give in to pressure when you are on a jury- you may ruin MANY lives. Depressing shit- hope to blog on that later. MoJo and AleVit lines coming tomorrow too I hope. BT Spanish was phenomenal last week. My group of 2 two and three year olds played animal charades; it was incredible! I am off to sleep before the new week begins. Notte!


  1. i saw atv special on the central park five....devastating...

    where is the interview post? every time i go to skip rip i see the "happy" post up. is that the last thing posted or am i doing something wrong?

  2. are u teaching Spanish at bt ?
    at what time ? 2 AM ?
    what is central park five ?

  3. Thursdays at 3:30pm. You should come some time. Central Park Five is a great documentary on the 5 wrongfully accused teens in the Central Park jogger case from 1989. Remember? They were framed! Very sad.

  4. I'd love to go to your spanish classes at bt.
    they were framed ?
    of course I remember. moreover, I went one day to the trial.
