Thursday, April 11, 2013

V Oh V

V is a maniac at bed time. He is like a one man show. He knows I will close the door if he does not at least try to go to sleep. As he jumped in the pack and play making it move all over the room at bedtime, he chanted "Close the door. Hurry up! Close the door." When he subsequently got out of his crib again, I asked M to tell him to go back in or I would be angry. He came running into my room with a big grin and said "I am happy." The last time I went into his room (I passed the task along to tío D as I was leaving to tutor), I found him on the top bunk. The glitter in his eye and the smirk on his face as he waits for my reaction in these situations is priceless. He said laughing as I hoisted him down: You are leaving? I am leaving!

As I got A to wear her first nightgown, V asked me to put a (tiny- it was in a pile to give away) Asian dress on him. I asked him if he was sure (he is a very cute girl too). As soon as he was in it he twirled! He looked like a sausage in it but it seemed like the thing to do.