J: For Halloween, can we dress up at Family Times?
J: Tomorrow night I am going to escape
J, during an episode of Family Times where the mother is in labor: Why don't they show her pa-china?
J: So many things happen in life.
J, rubbing my back: Wax on, wax off.
J: When I am a grown up I am going to be like MLK and defend animals.
V, as I stood on the window sill yelling at M for breaking the blinds: Do you need help?
V, looking down at his worn down "new" hand me down boots: My shoes are cool. My shoes are dirty.
V & A every 15 minutes, toddler 1: I don't like it!
toddler 2 (they alternate roles) : I don't like it either!
Note that is A is saying this overused line, she pauses in between each word, jutting her chin out for emphasis.
M: Are you the tooth fairy and Santa and all of those characters? Do not tell me because I do not want you to spoil it for me but please tell me when I am older.
J: I am too busy. I do not want to go swimming any more. I need the whole weekend to relax.
J: This family is having a real rough time today.
Me to J: You cannot say "fucking asshole to your sister."
J: I did not. My action figure called another action figure "fuck ass"
( I feel better now).
yowza. that last one is a zinger