Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Midget Talks

V: I threw my babero. Mamá's gonna scream. Are you watching "Good Luck Charlie"? I am.
(he narrates his every thought like this very often)

J to me: Your hair is dull.
Me: Boring or not shiny?
J: It is not fresh.

A, every time I drink coffee: Mamá, mamá, I try jew coffee? A sip?

A & V every time we leave without the stroller: I run ahead?

J: I am going to be a robber when I grow up.
Me: What?
J: If I cannot get a job.

V: L se porta mal. She jump on my bed. She was bleebing (yes with a b). She write on the wall with a lápiz. She throw food.

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