Monday, June 10, 2013

These Kids...

J to F as we walked up Lenox Ave; Let's have some me and you time when we get home and play with my action figures okay?

J when I told M that she looked like a young lady, gesturing breasts: This process already started.

J when he saw two dead bees: Please can I have them? I have been alive for six years and I have never seen a dead bee!

V to himself in the car: Don't throw up!

Me to M re Harry Styles (her celebrity crush) and Taylor Swift: You are more interesting than Taylor Swift but you are a little young for Harry Styles.
J: And he would not like you because you do not have boobs or hair on your butt or your conchita

1 comment:

  1. I dunno who harry styles is but I have no hair in my head
