Friday, July 5, 2013


and then she was born. With great timing (labor started as we drove effortlessly, against all rhyme or reason) and many of her New York family here. She is a patriotic baby. She was born exactly one month before her mother's bday just like my first born and they share four letter names beginning with M and ending in A. Yay! I am an aunt. An aunt who lives far away. An aunt who brought a violent stomach bug with her and has been unable to spend an iota of time with bebé, but an aunt all the same. M is thrilled and overcame her jealous (her first welcome home sign read: Welcome Home Stupid Baby) fit to sink into a "I don't want to leave Philadelphia" one. I arrived at the birthing center an hour and a half after she was born (E's text "progressing slowly" was followed by "It's a girl!" less than an hour later). When F arrived with the brood I took them each in for a minute. J was shy, M was in love, A gave a her a suspicious look and V asked "What she doing?" When I explained nursing, he then stated "She come out of C's belly." He gets it. When I later asked him his cousin's name he chuckled: "Sea Sauce. Just Joking." Tía C was a real champ. All natural, super fast pushing, and in case she forgets, she told F that is was all unpleasant, that she would not do it again, and all sorts of other notions that you forget in order to promote the human species. So, we leave tomorrow am. I spent a total of five minutes with baby M, but enough to testify that she is very cute and small and has super long fingers (not from my side of the family). Congratulations to the new parents. May you sleep and enjoy this super fleeting phase!


  1. thanks v! i'm sorry that we didn't get to spend more time together, but i am so excited for all the time still to come! north carolina! hopefully a trip to nyc before that?!

    something that involves REAL cousin time :) (more than 5 min)

    thank m again for the nice signs she left us, even the honest one you didn't leave...i appreciate her ability to be honest about her feelings :)

    love you all mucho mucho
