Tuesday, March 18, 2014


From when you give birth, you literally begin the process known as separation. When babies begin to realize that they are a separate entity that can be separated from you, their mother, they can get separation anxiety. My children, for better or worse, are not that attached to me. Or so I thought. Their father travels regularly. I am the constant presence. When I have had to leave them for a night (surgery or to deliver a sibling) I have fretted. When we went to Paris for a long weekend without MoJo, I counted down the hours until our return (they did not give a crap). Well, it appears that I may have underestimated J's sensitivity. The night before leaving for Disney, J crawled into my bed crying. I thought it was morning (it was actually 4:40am) and entertained his chat. J said he was too scared to go to Disney and preferred to not go and stay with me. I assured him that it would be a blast, that I would send him with daily notes, that he was going to be with his grandparents... when morning did come, neither one of us mentioned the episode. He went off happy, with his stash of notes (and pictures of his parents, upon his request). While I am certain that he will be fine, 9 days is a long time. Especially when the longest you have ever done is 2. Now I see that it is not just long and hard for me, but maybe also a bit for him. I cannot wait to hug that midget in Miami in 8 days!

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