Monday, March 31, 2014

Funny Guys

Me to J when I saw him after 9 days!: I missed you so much!
J: I almost forgot about you.

Me to A: You are going to have a time out.
A: A time out? (laughing uncontrollably) Holy guacamole!

V to our new found friend/cousin when he broke out in Spanish: Amiga, siéntate aquí. Ya está.

V upon returning to the nursing home where he had freaked out the day before: Is she still viejita?
Me: Yes
V, screaming desperately: No! Not viejita!

J: Why is it "J walking?" It should be C walking for criminal walking!

A after a 10 hour flight: Are we at A (her bff)'s house?

A on the flight back: A is best for me!

A after wetting her underwear: I peed. Don't be feerious mamá.

V when he noticed that I was walking on the outside to protect him: Are you protectoring me?

A to me in a taxi in Bs As: Princesses sit in prince trucks, not in cabs.

A when she saw that cabs were yellow on top but mostly black in Bs As: Why are the taxis all dirty?

A on mosque domes: They look like the circus.

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