Monday, March 17, 2014


A wearing adult red shiny heels (M's from Halloween): When I was born, I was wearing these heels.

A as she continued to be naughty in a time out after I told her she was not even sorry: You are right, I am not sorry.

A: This is my brother and his name is...w(to V) what's your name?
V: Attach!
A: My name is attach too. We both are attach.
Me: Do you know what attach means? Together, connected. Like twins.
A: Of course we are not twins.

J: Moms are importanter than dads in the family.
Me: Why?
J: They have the babies.

V ordered french toast at lunch yesterday. When pizzas started to come, he said he wanted pizza.
Me: You ordered french toast.
V: I was joking!

A; How do you say "mustache" in spanish?

A pointing to a woman at the bus stop: Maybe that woman is a bruja!

M, after I explained, upon her request, social security numbers: Why do I need a number? We are basically like robots!

V: Why did they make the sky blue? It was white!

J I need to pack money for the trip!
Me: No you don't. Abuela S will pay for everything.
J: What about room service?

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