Monday, September 8, 2014

Sometimes Life Bites You in the Ass

and sometimes.... it is just your other half. I went to a fundraising meeting at BT today that included a story from the day about how A bit! her brother. I did not know it was in the butt... until I saw it. Pobrecito. He apparently cried like crazy (his feelings no doubt more injured than his culito) and A was stoic (but did not cry!) when she was reamed by the head of daycare. She refused to admit anything when I interviewed her at home. V tried to minimize the whole thing and defended her (told me it did not hurt, that she did not get in trouble etc). Ay ay ay. Better his butt than another kid's I suppose. I have never had a biter.


  1. pobrecito!!! what inspired such an act?!

  2. pobre vitorino, victima de violencia de genero !!

  3. he would not do what she wanted....

  4. melts my heart that he stood up for her. now that's true love!

  5. well.... more like covered for her:) not sure he could stand up for her- she defends herself quite well:)
