V: I know you are not a good mom.
J: Every mom is a good mom because G-d gave that kid that mom.
Me: Can we take a rest from the G-d stuff (fuck!!) Do you think kids whose moms do not give them food and hit them deserve those moms?
J: People make mistakes. G-d makes mistakes too.
Here comes our next evangelist. Fuck!
A to me: Don't interrupt me, I am working in the office.
A to me while I asked V to stop packing "beard" in lunch boxes: Stop annoying him!
V to me: I am warning you, I am going to pee and poop!
V when I asked for kisses: I have no more in my throat.
J to me: Mamá, I am pretending that you are Ms H (head of lower school) or Ms C (head of school) so I respect what you say.
V: BT is my school- it is a wonderful place!
BT is a wonderful place indeed