Saturday, September 6, 2014


After I told V that we were out of fruit, A: Why is there no fruit in this house?

V: Why does papi never plant eggplant in the backyard?
Me: We do not have a backyard.
V then took me to the balcony door to show me that we did.

As we talked about possibly getting hurt climbing a jungle gym, V: My butt protects me!

After a serious talk with J about his (deteriorated) attitude and tone: I do not know how I was when I  was little. How can I change back?

J when we were talking about whether his uncles broke up with their girlfriends usually or vice versa, re tío D's latest: That was harsh (what he did to her).

M on a collage project that seemed to have to be about summer (everyone else wrote comments about their feelings on it): Life is a blessing and a curse.

V when I told him to take a time out: I am too old for a time out.
When F began to call him over to take the time out he ignored him and I inquired if he could hear his father calling him. V: I am not going over there, I know why he is calling me.

V when F asked him for a lick of his vanilla ice cream: No, it has peanut butter (it did not but V knows that F hates it). A few minutes later he was done eating and handed F the half eaten ice cream and gestured to the ice cream man: You can return this to the man now.

A as she peed in the woman's bathroom: Where is J? Me: In the boy bathroom. We are in the girl's. A: Where do women pee? Me: Here. A: What about little women? Me: Here. This is for girls and women and little women. A: Oh.

V to me when I asked him how I looked with water balloons in my shirt for augmented boobs: Like a beauty!

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