Monday, June 8, 2015

Recent Chatter

V to me: Did you grow up?

V to me: Do you want my ice cream? It is vomit flavor.

J to me: When I grow up I want a personal chef for calamari. Can I have a bucket of calamari for my birthday?

V: Me too. I want a bucket of calamari and one of mushrooms for my birthday.

V at swim meet: I am very upset at my shorts. They are making me hot!

A at swim meet: Are they warming up?
Me: Yes!
A: By the way, what is that?

Me: That kid is like a train- watch him swim.
V: All aboard!

V after we left a huge mansion where M's friend lives: I am going to switch families.
Me: Are you getting new parents?
V: No, you will be my mom and J will be my brother and V will be V!

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