Saturday, April 9, 2016


J: Can dogs be transgendered?

J (on crowded train): After that baby comes out with your conchita stay big or get small again? Will you belly be fat?

V: When the baby comes out, wherever it lands it stays right? Because it cannot move.

A?V?: Why do we have spring break? Because we do a lot of work and we need to calm down?

V: If you are the teacher, do you choose what you do with the class?

V: Is g-d a person? Can you pray to stay like a kid forever? Will it work? Matthew (kid in class) taught me how to pray- you put your hands on your chin and close your eyes.
Me:- Does it work?
V: Not really.

A: If you can see far away, are you smart?

V looking at tween: It's a kid and it already has a phone!

V: When I'm older I won't know how to do anything.

V: How did you find papi? You made us but where did you find him?

V calling me to wipe him: I wiped my butt two times- it's legal and official and you need to check it.

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