Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wrappin' Up

So.... I think the end is near. While I have done this before, the thought of a (hopefully LARGE) baby coming into our lives soon still seems abstract. I am not anxious for him/her to arrive but cognizant that it could be any day now. I am not sure if it is my age or weight or amnesia, but I do not ever remember feeling this uncomfortable before. There are parts of the day when I am carefree (mostly standing), but other parts where I cannot get comfortable, feel incredible pressure in my pelvis, or cannot stay awake. While I have been sleeping better than I was a few weeks ago (thank you nature), I cannot help but feel extra heavy and awkward in bed. F tells me that I snore (lovely) and every time I want to adjust my position in bed, I feel like a crane could come in handy. I definitely used to be better at this. I already weigh 5 more pounds than when the other two were born. While I started off slimmer, I did also have TWO people growing in me, so it looks like postpartum will be chunkier than desired- especially because I will only be burning the calories needed to feed one baby.

Okay, back to more important topics than my already ruined body... what will I rename this blog? Ideas? I really did have 4 kids, 3 jobs, and 2 bedrooms when I started and now I will have 5 kids and 3 bedrooms but what do I have 4 or 2 of? Hmmm. I do have 4 delinquent children, but that may not last- one could turn angelic or number five could join them.

In delinquent news... V shaved part of his head by himself and denied it. I mean, crying, screaming "I didn't do it" despite the bald spot at the front of his head and F's wet hair clipper shoved in the garbage. He eventually fessed up when I told him the fibbing was getting him in more trouble than the self grooming. When I asked L about it, she told me he had convinced her that F had done it (he had indeed recently given him a hair cut) and that he was not allowed to touch papi's stuff etc. A real delinquent (and L is clearly a gullible/blind person).

A had two "cavities" filled and it was the single most traumatic medical/dental experience to date. Granted we have been lucky to have avoided any real incidents, A's look of panic and horror as the dentist went on and on doing crap in her mouth was awful. There were tears streaming from her eyes but she did not lose her shitake mushrooms until we left the office, at which point she wailed like a baby for a solid full meltdown.

J is plugging away at the 9000 piano concerts, juries, and workshops his teacher wants him to do. M is busy rehearsing for Beauty and the Beast and has joined a running class that she loves. A and V are still karate, piano and swim midgets and A has ballet (not her thing) and V a science class.

All is well in the hood. To be continued...


  1. I wonder what kind of things the baby will like to do when they get older. So much excitement!! So much to come!! Miss you and all the kiddos a lot

  2. fantastic journey.
    much love vio !!!!!

  3. the description of needing a crane to reposition yourself in bed is so perfect. that's how i feel rolling from one side to the other. i am literally there with you sista. the tiredness and pressure is sort of remarkable - and i am six years younger than you! can't imagine having another one and having it be more uncomfortable/taking place in an older body....for now i will just focus on this one...yes, still so abstract. keep thinking that despite the discomfort it is still easier to get around with this baby on the inside than it will be on the outside. can't wait for these cousin twins to meet. lucky kids

  4. thank you for buying epstein
    a documentary about some argentine immigrant family
    soon in a screen near you
