Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Answers to A's Questions- You Can Answer Too!

1. If you could choose any president, past or present, that you could date, who would it be? (men can answer too)
Sadly I used to be an US History geek and can barely remember the presidents at this point. I like Barack yo, I think I might choose him.
2. What collective year has been the best of your life/why?
Cannot choose. The best moments were those with family for sure and the three days my kids were born were amazing moments but I do not know about "best."
3. If you had to dress in just one color for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Easy. Black.
4. Which is the best holiday?
Christmas because of Christ. Actually, it is because of VT.
5. What worries you most (on a daily basis)?
Doing a good job at school and at home.
6. What’s your dream job?
I think it would be impossible to have. I would have to use my mind a lot, contribute to society, make money, and have a great schedule. I do have some of the above so I cannot complain.
7. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?
Not a napkin. Maybe a car, they see a lot of action.
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
Buenos Aires
9. What’s your favorite word? (any language)
bruja, pepino, bugiarda (liar in italiano), liublu (love in russian)
10. What single item would you need to have somewhere to call that place home?
nothing. my kids. and i need a digital watch at all times.
11. How long do you brush your teeth for, on average?
too short. 30-45 seconds?


  1. good answers!!
    i never brush my teeth for more than that and i always feel guilty. especially because everyone around me is always brushing them for longer.

  2. 1. If you could choose any president, past or present, that you could date, who would it be? (men can answer too)
    Bill Clinton
    2. What collective year has been the best of your life/why?
    Tough one. The best day maybe? December 31 1999.
    3. If you had to dress in just one color for the rest of your life, which would it be?
    4. Which is the best holiday?
    5. What worries you most (on a daily basis)?
    My finances and the health of the loved ones
    6. What’s your dream job?
    Being Messi
    7. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?
    a kite
    8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
    New York
    9. What’s your favorite word? (any language)
    linotipo, barrilete,pipa
    10. What single item would you need to have somewhere to call that place home?
    las pipas de julio
    11. How long do you brush your teeth for, on average?
    too short also. 30-45 seconds?

  3. Tomaria respuestas de cada uno un poco.
    1, 4 y 5 de roli;
    2,3 y 6 de vio.
    8. Miami
    10. los espejos de san telmo

  4. 1. If you could choose any president, past or present, that you could date, who would it be? (men can answer too)
    i'm married yo....

    2. What collective year has been the best of your life/why?
    some year of my life at 86th street. i was young and blissfully ignorant of all of the stress of self-realization

    3. If you had to dress in just one color for the rest of your life, which would it be?

    Easy. Black.(funny that dad chose white...he would be eternally full of stains)

    4. Which is the best holiday?
    Christmas and passover - how PC is that?

    5. What worries you most (on a daily basis)?
    what i want to be when i grow up

    6. What’s your dream job?
    refer to #5

    7. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?
    i like dad's answer

    8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
    new zealand

    9. What’s your favorite word? (any language)

    10. What single item would you need to have somewhere to call that place home?
    a window

    11. How long do you brush your teeth for, on average?
    i'm too embarrassed to say....less than the rest of you

  5. you better shape up if you want a dentist to stay married to you!
    i may brush my teeth for only 10 seconds on occasion, i was being generous with myself:)
