Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Type as I Hear (Ay Ay Ay)

M to J: Adam is a myth. Like they think that G-d put Adam and Eve on earth and they had kids and so on and so on, but I do not believe that because there are more than two families on earth.

J: The people who are Jewish think it was nature and G-d

M: I think it was revolutions of nature. Some people think G-d and Mother Nature were the first people alive
J : Yeah,  some think they are married. And then they think he got divorced and married to another lady and had Jesus.
M: No Jesus is from Mary and the other man. No Joseph and Mary were longing for a child and G-d gave them a child.
Me; I do not believe that
M: Either do I. Jesus is for sure real right?
J: D said that some religious people say that G-d went down to earth like 90 years ago and because people were mean, he and Jesus thought that if he killed someone, people would be good. So they put Jesus on a stack with stuff in his hands (shows being on the cross) and he died like 49 years ago Before papi was born. Actually right before D(elia) was born.

M: The reason X resembles religion, is that Jesus was put in an X and he had no food and no water.

J: No, nails were stapled into him and that is why he died. But his head wasn't stapled.

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