Friday, October 19, 2012


M, when I asked her why I found children's Pepto in the washing machine: When I was six, I used to put things in my pocket just in case I needed them and I guess it just made it through the wash the first few times

M: Will AleVit go to St H & H?
Me: I am not sure.
J: Yes, they are going. It is our decision.

J and I went to pee together and after he went, I squatted to pee, J: Why don't you sit?
Me: Because I do not want to touch the toilet seat and I am lazy.
J: I will put the paper down for you.

Me to M: What are you going to do during J's piano lesson now that your homework is done?
M: Oh, I have so many activities I can do. I like to look at people, organize my bag....

J: Do you know that when people are old they shrink?

Me to M about a TV show: How did you watch that? Isn't it about teenagers and inappropriate?
M: I was looking at the bright side and thinking "mamá does not know this show. maybe it is appropriate."

J to me: How many days until I am your age?
Me: I do not know.
M: Just count the years and multiply by 365.