Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Life Is Good

After some bumpy times and lots of stress, I have taken a chill pill and I can say that life is good. Sometimes shutting the fuck up and not listening to your own litany of complaints and anxieties is good.Told a tutoring mother to go f*&*^&% herself.  F is away, back tomorrow. F is gone all of next week. Kids are all well. MoJo is behaving well. AleVit is crazy funny. Reports are half way done. I am very behind with both blogs. Looking forward to December. Traditions. Family. Lots of piano practice.

On the what are the babies doing now front...
V does not EVER stop talking. He is constantly mimicking everyone, repeating, scolding, and narrating what he does. "No toques" as he touches. "Baby crying" when anyone cries. "Close it." "Saca." He is exhaustingly funny. A is also talking a lot more but her verbal skills are eclipsed by V's chatterbox mania. Más mañana.

1 comment:

  1. for some reason I had not seen this post before; it makes me happy.
    forget" being behind in your blogs (wtf ??), take a chill.

    we want more on that tutoring mother, sounds juicy !!
    and certainly, life is good.
